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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I once again and in a place where I am trying to figure out if we can make Homeschooling work for us. I had really wanted to do the New Jersey Virtual Academy with them, but the teacher's union won this round, and it has been refused it's charter (LOVE teachers, dislike the NJ union).

One of the reasons I had decided to put the kids in public school was my health. However a number of things have happened since I sent them to school. They are of course older which means a huge increase in independence. If I am having a bad day, as long as I have prepped well, they will not miss any work. Also, while I still have bad days, they are certainly not the endless weeks of pain I was in years ago.  I can push to make it to local classes, where getting off the couch was impossible for a while there. 

I know without a doubt it would be a smart move with Little Bear. His learning and socialization styles both lean that way, as do his wishes. He has already maxed out the system's math and sciences for his age, and they won't move him ahead in just those areas as he is age appropriate in the other subjects.

Indy is another story though. Educationally she would benefit from it. She needs more individualized attention in some areas than the public school system provides. She ends up frustrated and feeling less intelligent than she is because she is so incredibly social that she wants to play instead of committing the information to memory. This leads me to wonder if I do bring her home, if I would stunt her socially. Not that homeschooling means lack of socialization, but is it the volume of socialization she craves? Where is the line between socialization and education?

This summer is an experiment of sorts. Not doing camp this year. Seeing how they respond to my educating them a small bit each day. Seeing if I can keep up with her socialization needs, and challenge him academically. All while not stressing myself and putting my health as a priority. Wish me luck *L*

Saturday, June 22, 2013

One of those days

Today has been one of those days as a parent we don't talk about enough. The kids were not perfect, and neither were we. There was loss of patience, fighting,  whining and crying. But it was a good day because there was also talking, hugging and laughing. We made baby steps in communication. In understanding each others points of views. In compassion.

 So while I am worn out tonight, and not from the silly giggles of being on rides today, it was a good day, because there was progress.

In which I get entirely too involved in a theme, and might need to get some sleep but it was really really fun today!

The first Phineas and Ferb inspired day went so well (pictures coming shortly) that I am moving right on to getting ready for the next ones.

Thoughts for future episoseds:

101b Candace Loses Her Head: This is a tough one as there is definitely no budget to go see Mt. Rushmore this summer, and drilling to China seems right out. Will absolutely take suggestions here! Maybe have Little Bear makes something for Indy for her birthday. Perhaps.

102a The Fast and the Phineas: Some combination of remote control cars, or perhaps bumper or race cars! Maybe all 3.

102b Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror: I will leave the kids in the capable hands of NOT ME and go to the day spa. After all, mom's need fun too. Upon arriving home I will deny any knowledge of nonsense that may or may not have occurred.

103a The Magnificent Few: Thinking horseback riding for this one, as I am not entirely sure where to go to milk a cow. I will look into it though!

103b S'Winter: Too far/cost prohibitive to try and go skiing in the summer. So I say Snow Cones it is! Maybe a fake snowball fight. *ponders*

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer fun: Phineas and Ferb style

Being the weirdo that I am, I have gotten it into my head to base my summer plans with the kids on episodes of Phineas and Ferb.
Tomorrow will be Coney Island, The New York Aquarium, Luna Park and a ride on the Cyclone. In honor of episode 1a: Rollercoaster
Sadly episode 1b will have to wait till another year, because heading to Mt. Rushmore is not in the budget, BUT maybe we will make our own version at home or something. Who knows!
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