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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Namaste evolution

I am not a physically fit person. This is definitely one of those traits I do not want to pass on to my children, so I am trying to incorporate a healthy level of physical activity into their day to day lives. Now that Little Bear will not have the organized mayhem that has been gym class in his preschool any longer I set out to create a physical education component to our homeschooling. If I should reap the benefits of this as well, all the better, but that is not my focus.

I started this as I do most things, on the internet. Then I talked to some other HS moms and got their input and experiences. I formulated a plan that involved swim classes, soccer with the township, and a variety of other activities. Then I sat down and talked to Little Bear about it, and he informed me that he did not really like what I had planned thank you very much though. Could he PLEASE learn to swim from me, not a stranger because I understand he does not like to get his face wet? If he was going to play soccer could his sister come too, and while we were at it could we do more fun stuff like this together?

So I tossed my nicely planned activities and pre-approved by Bear (DH) budget out the window. We will go to the pool as a family and *I* will teach them to swim. We will join a homeschooling soccer group that I found so that they can play together. Then as if by magic when I opened my mailbox last week there was a postcard from a new Yoga studio opening up within walking distance of my house, and they offer family yoga!

Today was the first class, and it was more wonderful than I could have expected. While I have done yoga in the past, and have even tried to do some with the kids here at home, I was unprepared for how well they would respond to a class geared to them. She made a point of explaining that we were trying to have our minds and bodies work together, which is something Little Bear and I have been talking about a lot together. She let the kids lead the evolution of the class, so that when they wanted to be animals we were, and when they wanted to use props she showed us how. We told stories with our bodies. When they did not want to participate in something there was NO pressure. Simply loving acceptance of their choice and a warm welcome when they rejoined. Indy made it through the entire class and begged to do more, while Little Bear sat out the second half as he has not been feeling very well. He did still express a desire to come back since it was ok for him to rest when he needed to.

Best of all, I got to do yoga again, which I find helps me remain patient with the kids, and I don't have to find a babysitter to do it!

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